Hey, I'm Alif Haider.

I am a software engineer. I have been building web applications and solving problems for web over two years.

I am also a tech enthusiast, I always love to learn new technologies. The majority of the apps I built with React.js and modern frameworks of React.js (Next.js or Remix.run), however, I also am interested to build a Rust CLI tool or C++ OpneGL game, and with Godot I already have contributed in building a game.

I have completed my graduation in Computer Science and Engineering from North South University.

I am always interested in hearing about your project plans, in need of any suggestions, or if you just want to say`Hi 🙌`don't hesitate to reach out to me.


  • Alif Haider
  • Software Engineer
  • Dhaka, Bangladesh


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Remix.run
  • GDScript


  • Nulandia Admin Dashboard

    Nulandia Admin Dashboard was an interesting project for me. It was made for updating game interface of Nulandia like change building name or create a new neighborhood in the game through web forms. This changes reflects into the game. The interesting part of this project is backend team had the full control of which type of form fields like (`<input />` or `<select>`) will be rendered in which. All I was getting from API, JSON format form-configs and I had to render those fields into the UI using react. I used to call a form `<DynamicForm formConfigs={formConfigs} />`.

  • Nulandia Game User Interface

    Game UI for Nulandia. It was firstly built with `React.js` but later the whole app re-implemented within the game which was using `Godot Gmae Engine` and `GDScript`. That was a whole new journey for me because the programming language was totally new to me, and I had to use the same JSON format form configs but using `GDScript`. Adopting a different language pattern I thought would be way harder but worked out smoothly.

  • Hydepenthouse Airbnb

    Hydepnethouse is an Airbnb like website. This project is built with `Remix.run` which also is a `React.js` framework. I had used Remix for lots of my side-project but in production level this was the first one. But I had a huge interest in Remix since when Remix been Open Sourced. This project structure was quite a bit different than usual. Because a few domains were pointing to the same app. When an user visits x.com, in server it gets the theme for that domain and uses that in rendering, so for each domains the color scheme and fonts are different. I learned Remix patterns from Kent C Dodds and his Epic Web Workshops. Huge shoutout to him 📣 for open-sourcing the learning materials.

  • Definya MMORPG Game

    Definya is an MMORPG game, built with the MERN stack. This is the first time I worked as a full-stack developer. The project structured really well, adopting this large codebase was too much simple. I learned `Redis` to manage cache through this app. `PhaserJS` and `React.js` was used to build the game. This game is also availabe in Google Play Store.

  • SPORFORYA Admin Dashboard

    SPORFORYA is a sports activities managing platform. Managing events, managing students through an application was the goal of this project. The main app is in IOS App Store and also in Google Play store.

  • Funcomp

    Funcomp is a platform where people can find fun activities program like suggesting video games, movies, etc through an application. While I was building this app I was almost new in using `React.js`. To manage CRUD for this app, I used `Redux` and this is the last project I used Redux.

  • Promenade

    Promenade is a military job application platform where veterans can find jobs and can appoint to a training center. This is the first `React.js` project I have ever worked on.

Without these I also have contributed on various projects by building a component from scratch or update fucntionalities for a component.

